I met Andreas at Gyro Park beach and we paddled along the coast to Ten Mile Point. While the water was calm where we sat, outwards in the Northern entrance to Baynes Channel there were the tell-tale signs of turbid water. We decided to cross over to Chatham island just skirting the advancing line of tide rips, unfortunately we (I) underestimated the speed that the edge of the rip was advancing South and we soon found ourselves crossing eddies which swirled us unexpectedly, right then left then left then left then right. FORTUNATELY there was zero chop, zero wind, and though the water itself was alive, the surface remained smooth. We tried to sneak up between the Chathams but the incoming current was very strong, impassable in most spots. Instead we decided to paddle back to the inside and poke through the islets and reefs while we made our way South.
Chosing a ferry angle towards the masts in Caddy Bay brought us almost exactly to Cattle Point - our destination - where we explored the little bays and passages. I almost didn't recognize the area with the tide so low. Places that I've paddled through many times were high and dry. We took some time to shoot some video of me goofing around in the water. The cold water wasn't so bad but I did give myself a case of 'Brain Freeze' when I spent some time underwater, exploring hand-positions, and setting up for the roll up. I didn't understand why I couldn't get completely upside down, looking at the video later I realized that my drysuit still had air in it despite the burping at the neck seal I gave it earlier, plus I had my foam shims strapped on the front deck, PLUS saltwater is more bouyant than fresh. I was lucky I was even able to fall over, and without bouncing back up.
Archimedes discovered bouyancy floating in his bathtub... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buoyancy
Cadboro Bay was smooth as glass, I couldn't resist doing a few more 'Party Tricks' before we finally beached.
Great paddle!
*The videos below were all filmed by Andreas, check out his innovative new company Eco-Furniture at http://www.eco-furniture.com/
Thank you kind sir - Tip of the hat to you.

Time on water - 3 hours
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