The LBSB Expedition with ~daniel~

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Garlic Harvest

Yesterday and today we've been, and will be digging and cleaning garlic. All the time on the water has meant farm chores have been falling behind. The soil down here on Puget Island is incredible - rich, full of humus and everything seems to grow lush and healthy. Ginni's garden makes mine back home look kinda sad...

The chickens greet me every morning as I walk past their pen and a few have become quite friendly, coming up to me for a pat. Probably because I've been taking them the veggie scraps in the evenings after dinner. I'm a sucker for animals - I'll admit it.

Picked up a 6lb pineaplle at the store yesterday for $4.59!!! Can't believe how cheap they were but I figure while I'm down here I'm going to take advantage of the wonderfully cheap exotic fruit as Ginni has been feeding me out of her garden and it's a way I can give a little back.

I think tonight I'm going out for a little paddle to work on my rear and bow rudder strokes, as they're stille pretty goofy and don't feel quite natural yet. Tomorrow I'm off on the three day 'Dynamic Water' course with a group of Chilean guides. Should be interesting as the winds are picking up later this week and there may be five foot waves with two ffot wind waves on top or worse across that. I'm pretty sure we'll be doing some rescues and tows as we'll be heading out looking for challenging conditions. Wish me luck as this is the fore-runner for my BCU three star.

Made a wicked curried chicken over snap peas, broccoli, and zuch's last night. All the veggies came off the farm... and tasty they are!

Well - better get to work it's going to be a long day and I want to get the digging done before the afternoon heat kicks in. Good news is that I've clean laundry to change into after work and a shower! WOOOHOOOOO!!!

*Snif* *snif* *ackkkkkkk* I smell bad...


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