The LBSB Expedition with ~daniel~

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Quote.

"The sea, like any expanse of nature, is a great teacher of humility. It strips away the nonessentials: the ego, the place in society we fill, and the clutter of busy lives. Swells stirred to life by mid-ocean storms radiate outward, losing little of their power until they steepen in shallow waters or crash with relentless hammerings against cliffs rising straight from the depths. At times it seems that the oceans, with their ruthless power of destruction, would be better left alone. They care nothing for human fear, misjudgement, fatigue, and whatever strength or fragility the human visitor brings to their shores.

Wind, waves, cold water, and the exposure of miles of endless cliff can bare the soul as any desert experience might. All the insecurities of society --- the stress of success or fear of failure ---suddenly seem inconsequential. What is left is the stripped-down reality of purposeful, passionate living in an environment that tolerates nothing less. It is a great and continual cleansing, at first shockingly cold; but like the initial plunge into a mountain stream, it refreshes and wakes the body and mind to new life."

A quote of Chris Duff, shared to me by my friend Kathy. Thank-you, ~d

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