Swartz Bay to Porlier Pass to Tillicum Bridge.
Day one - Left Swartz Bay at 2000hrs, arrive Vesuvius Bay 0200hrs.
Day two - Left Vesuvius Bay 1100hrs. arrive Wallace Island 1430hrs. (made lunch, relaxed two hours)- left Wallace Island 1630hrs. played in Porlier pass, grounded due to rough weather at Refuge Cove for one hour, arrive Montague Harbour 2000hrs.
Day three - Left Montague Harbour 0800hrs. arrive Portland Island 1300hrs. left Portland Island 1800hrs. arrive McNeil Bay 2300hrs.
Day four - left McNeil Bay 0600hrs. arrive Tillicum 1000hrs.
Total trip time - 58 hours.
*Note - Times are very approximate as I was pushing hard and only keeping the most rudimentary notes on weather and current. I've also included weather archive links for the individual days. Click on the paddling day.
Did a quick calculation and speed averaged was 3.7 knots over entire trip.
...more to come
Time on water - 26 hours
Route followed below.

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