The LBSB Expedition with ~daniel~

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Clallum Bay and Sekiu

Skipped brekkie and launched early. Couldn't believe the water today, flat calm, not a gust of wind for the entire day except an evening puff from behind to carry me into Clallum Bay and over to the little town of Sekiu. Nice quiet little town this time of year. Sportsfishing is it's big industry and come May it goes crazy, or so I'm told.

Gorgeous coastline coming in. Pillar Rock is striking - the size and quantity, and pot-marking of it's cliffs and formations are very different from anything I've seen so far. Tide-pools abound with sea-life, mussels as big as my fist. I stopped here on a little, sandy, east-facing beach for a quick lunch of fats and proteins. Tuna-fish, kippered herring, peanut butter, and chocolate. Sounds awful I know but it's what my body wanted, who am I to argue.

Pysha River would/could be a great place to launch to get out and see this stretch of coast, and has miles of sandy beaches and a protected estuary to get in and out from. The stretch from here to Clallum Bay seems uninhabited and wild - sea-life big and small everywhere. I traveled well off-shore to Pysha, and paddle with porpoise twice - small and black and in no particular hurry to be anywhere. Had a nice off-shore ebb carrying me along the tide-line of drifting flotsam most of the day. Later, as it statrted to change, I was past Pillar Rock and and exploring the coastline. Lots of eddies and flotsam lines to follow. Saw a pair of sea otters today, they first showed up sliding along the surface in a way that I didn't recognize, at least not like seals or river otters.After a few minutes of this one popped his furry little face up in front of me about fifty feet ahead, then a second about fiftenn and looking at the other otter instead of me. I came up right behind him, all of a sudden he turned, his silvery face showing a look of shock and they both ducked under. A very funny moment, one that had me laughing, and grinning now as I write. Really curious animals. I hope they don't remember that men in kayaks just like mine hunted them almost to extinction.

Coming into Clallum Bay a tiny little seal pup who was sitting on a rock waiting for mam to return, splashed into the water and popped his little head out of the water to watch me pass. So cute... There was a rock formation nearby that looked just like a Chia head. Jim at the fishing resort later mentioned the exact same rock, desacribing it the same way and called it 'Little Musolini'. Apparently there's really good Halibut fishing out there. Imagine... me fishing for halibut in a skinny baidarka... bwah ha ha ha ha...

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